Welcome to Highgrove Elementary School! We are a No Excuse University School. The mission of Highgrove is to provide a quality educational program with multiple opportunities for all students to learn. We are committed to providing differentiated instruction and interventions to assure that all students meet proficiency on the California Standards as measured by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, SBAC.
Historical Information:
- Highgrove was established in 1888
- Our mascot is the Husky
- Our school color is royal blue
- Our school was named for our Highgrove community
- Our school motto is `No Excuses!`
- Outstanding Programs:
- No Excuses University
- H.E.A.R.T.S.
Community Partnership
- Kiwanis of Uptown Riverside
- Sandals Church
- Younglove Community Center
- Vision To Learn